Sasha Abrazhevich
(Alexandra Abrajevitch)
PhD Candidate
Dept of Geological Sciences
University of Michigan
2534 CC Little Bldg., 1100 North University Ave
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1005
tel: +1 734 763 2149

Paleomagnetism and its applications
- magnetic record of paleoclimate
- rock magnetic record of the Asian monsoon preserved in sediments of the Bengal Fan
- application to tectonics
- rock magnetic techniques for detecting and correcting paleomagnetic inclination shallowing
Tectonics of Asia
- chronology and geometry of India-Asia convergence
- configuration of the Asian margin prior to the collision
- accretion of Gondwanan micro-continents to Asia
- deformations in central Asia caused by the India-Asia collision
- tectonic evolution of the Tibetan Plateau
Tethyan remnants in the Yarlung Zangbo suture and their geological development

- Geological Society of America
- American Geophysical Union
2003 on - Ph.D. candidate Dept. Geological Sciences, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
2002 M.Phil. Dept. Earth Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
Thesis: Paleomagnetism of the Dazhuqu Terrane, Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone, Southern Tibet online
1990 M.Sc. St. Petersburg State University, St.Petersburg, Russia
Thesis: Application of XRF to survey and prospecting of Cu-Ni ore deposits

2003-to date
Teaching assistant (part-time), Dept. Geological Sciences, The University of Michigan – course on “Introductory Geology”
2000-2002 |
Teaching assistant (part-time), Dept. Earth Sciences, The University of
Hong Kong – courses “Regional Tectonics” and “Earth Through Time” |
summer 1999 |
Field assistant, Tibet Research Group, the University of Hong Kong – assistance in geological mapping and sampling |
1997-1998 |
Project Geophysicist, Inst. Tectonics &Geophysics, Russian Academy
of Sciences, Khabarovsk, Russia – interpretation of data on regional
and local seismicity; seismic hazard evaluation for the proposed power
plant construction sites. |
1992-1994 |
Project Geophysicist, Inst.Tectonics & Geophysics, Russian Academy
of Sciences, Khabarovsk, Russia – 2D & 3D gravity and magnetic
modelling of the subsurface geological structures in the region of the
Mongol-Okhotsk (Tethys) and Sikhote-Alin (Pacific) belts’ junction,
Eastern Russia
Project Geophysicist, nst.Tectonics
& Geophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Khabarovsk, Russia –
analysis and interpretation of regional gravity and magnetic data
Field experience: |
research in remote areas of Eastern Russia, Kazakhstan and Tibet
Yep! I am a licensed yak driver!
- Abrajevitch, A., McCausland, P., Van der Voo, R., Bazhenov,
M., Degtyarev, K., Levashova, N. 2005. A cautionary tale about
vertical-axis rotations, or How to recognize an orocline when you see
one. AGU Fall 2005 meeting (poster).
- Abrajevitch, A., Aitchison, J.C. and Ali, J.R. 2001. Paleomagnetism of
the Dazhuqu Terrane, Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone, Southern Tibet. Eos.
Transactions AGU, 82(47), Fall Meeting Suppl., Abstract GP11A-0188 (poster).
- Abrajevitch, A.,. Aitchison, J.C. and Ali, J.R.. 2002. Paleomagnetism
of the Dazhuqu Terrane, Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone, Southern Tibet.
Croucher Advanced studies Institute workshop “Tectonic Processes and
the Evolution of China”, abstract volume, Department of Earth Sciences,
the University of Hong Kong (poster and introductory talk).
- Ziabrev, S., Aitchison, J., Abrajevitch, A., Badengzhu, Davis, A., Luo,
H. 2002. Remnants of the Tethys in the Yarlung Zangbo suture. Croucher
Advanced studies Institute workshop “Tectonic Processes and the
Evolution of China”, abstract volume, Department of Earth Sciences, the
University of Hong Kong (poster and Sergei's talk).
- Abrajevitch, A.V., Ali, J.R., Aitchison, J.C., Badengzhu, Davis, A.M., Liu,J.,
Ziabrev, S.V., 2005. Neotethys and the India-Asia collision: Insights from a
palaeomagnetic study of the Dazhuqu ophiolite, southern Tibet. Earth and
Planetary Science Letters, 233, 87-102. (request PDF 500Kb)
- Ali, J.R., Ward, D.J., King, C. and Abrajevitch, A.,
2003. First Palaeogene sedimentary rock palaeomagnetic pole from stable
western Eurasia and tectonic implications. Geophysical Journal
International;154 (2), 463-470.
- Ziabrev, S.V., Aitchison, J.C., Abrajevitch, A.V.,
Badengzhu, Davis, A.M., Luo, H., 2004. Bainang Terrane,
Yarlung-Tsangpo suture, southern Tibet (Xizang, China): A record of
intra-Neotethyan subduction-accretion processes preserved on the roof
of the World. Journal of the Geological Society of London, 161(3), 523-538. (request PDF 1.7Mb)
- Aitchison, J.C., Davis, A.M., Abrajevitch, A.V., Ali, J.R., Badengzhu, Liu, J., Luo, H., McDermid, I.R.C., Ziabrev, S.V.,
2004. Stratigraphic and sedimentological constraints on the
age and tectonic evolution of the Neotethyan ophiolites along the
Yarlung Tsangpo suture zone, Tibet. - In: Dilek, Y. & Robinson, P.
T. (eds.) Ophiolites in Earth History. The Geological Society of London
Special Publication 218, 147-163.
- Ziabrev, S.V., Aitchison, J.C., Abrajevitch, A.V.,
Badengzhu, Davis, A.M., Luo, H., 2003. Precise radiolarian age
constraints on the timing of ophiolite generation and sedimentation in
the Dazhuqu terrane, Yarlung-Tsangpo suture zone, Tibet. Journal of the
Geological Society of London, 160, 591-599. (request PDF 700Kb)
